6 Ways to Ease That New Year’s Hangover
1. Lemon
This citrus fruit is a known detoxifier. It’s not a miracle solution, but it does help eliminate toxins such as alcohol from the body, all while rehydrating it. Moreover, lemons are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system and aids digestion. All of this makes it an essential ally in the fight against hangovers. It can be drunk as lemon tea, or with sparkling water and a pinch of salt; but it is best mixed with water and grated ginger to relieve nausea and upset stomachs.
2. Ginger Tea
If you often drink a cup of hot ginger tea in the morning, call your mum now and thank her for making it part of your lifestyle. Ginger has a long history as a natural remedy for morning sickness, upset stomachs, and motion sickness, so it just might come to the rescue after a wild night. Just throw chunks of chopped ginger root into a mug, pour in boiling water, then cover it with a plate to let the brew steep for five minutes.
3. Honey
Less well-known than lemon, honey is nonetheless an effective ally against hangovers, thanks to its high fructose and glucose content. Not only does it give you the energy you need to face a difficult morning, it also helps restore blood glucose levels, and has properties that help soothe upset stomachs and combat nausea. It can be eaten on toast, or even by the spoonful, but the best way is to add a spoonful or two of honey to lemon tea.
4. Banana
A hangover means dehydration and loss of potassium, which helps the body to function properly. That’s why it’s a good idea to eat foods packed with this essential mineral. Spinach, avocados, apricots, dates and, of course, bananas come to mind. Enjoying one of these yellow-skinned fruit makes it easier for the body to combat hangover symptoms such as fatigue.
5. Coconut Water
Coconut water is super-high in electrolytes: a 330ml serving has 660mg of potassium, outnumbering the 422mg available in a banana. Plus, research has shown that compared with commercial sports drinks, coconut water can be equally as effective in providing hydration after an intense workout – or a night’s revelry.
6. 100Plus
Yup, isotonic drinks such as 100Plus are not only for post-exercise recovery. Reach for one to restore liquids and electrolytes, stat!
While these remedies won’t completely eliminate the effects of a hangover, they can certainly help alleviate the discomfort. Remember to always drink responsibly and pace yourself, especially on special occasions like New Year’s Eve.
Q: What’s the best way to drink lemon tea to alleviate hangover symptoms?
A: Mix lemon juice with water and grated ginger to relieve nausea and upset stomachs.
Q: Can I drink coconut water before a night out to prevent hangovers?
A: While coconut water can help with hydration, it’s not a foolproof way to prevent hangovers. Moderation is still key.
Q: Can I use honey as a sweetener in my coffee or tea?
A: Yes, but be mindful of your sugar intake. Honey is still a sugar, after all!