Compliments at Work Can Be a Powerful Tool – if Used Deftly
### The Power of Compliments
“Well done!” “Great job!” “Congratulations!” These words may seem insignificant, but they can make all the difference in the workplace. The employee who receives a compliment generally finds in these words a form of approbation and encouragement, which will encourage them to become even more committed to their work.
### The Science Behind Compliments
Canadian researchers recently demonstrated this by conducting an experiment. They invited volunteers to complete a questionnaire and asked an actor to pose as a psychology student, striking up a conversation with each of the study participants. The actor began by complimenting them on their clothes, before mentioning that he was handing out flyers for a university event. He then asked each volunteer to help him in this mission by distributing flyers themselves. The academics found that 79% of participants who had been complimented on their attire offered to help the actor, compared with only 46% of those who had not been praised for their good taste in clothing.
### The Principle of Reciprocity
This can be explained by the fact that social relationships are based on the principle of reciprocity: when we are given something, we tend to want to give something in return. Compliments work on the same principle. Receiving them has a galvanizing and, above all, motivating effect. When a manager compliments an employee on their work, they are acknowledging the employee’s merits and implicitly encouraging them to keep up the good work. This culture of recognition can even encourage other workers to go the extra mile, creating a form of collective emulation.
### The Risks of Overdoing It
However, managers should be careful not to fall into the trap of favoritism. A manager who always congratulates the same employee, in front of everyone else, runs the risk of incurring the wrath of their other coworkers. This can create a feeling of injustice and negatively affect confidence within the team. Moreover, a compliment must be perceived as genuine and deserved. Vague or exaggerated phrases such as “great job” without further details can sound hollow and be counterproductive.
### The Importance of Sincerity and Specificity
According to a survey conducted by the company OC Tanner among 36,441 employees in 19 countries, 46% of working people feel that the compliments they receive at work are insincere. The problem is that the praise is too generic and does not reflect the efforts made or the real achievements of the employees. Compliments, therefore, need to seem fair and sincere. But they also need to be specific and meaningful, so that the recipient doesn’t see it as an attempt to flatter or manipulate.
### The Context of Compliment-Giving
The context in which the compliment is given is also of importance. Praising employees in front of others has its advantages, but it’s also advisable to do so in a smaller setting. After all, not all employees are comfortable with being praised by their line manager in front of their colleagues; more introverted and modest personalities will appreciate receiving praise by email or during a one-on-one.
### Conclusion
Compliments are a powerful lever for driving engagement, if used intelligently and sparingly. Overdoing it can be just as harmful as not complimenting people enough. Cultivating gratitude and recognition in the workplace is crucial, but it requires a certain finesse. Employees must not be motivated solely by the prospect of receiving a kind word from their superior; compliments should be the icing on the cake, not the thing that keeps everyone going.
### FAQs
* How can I use compliments effectively in the workplace?
+ Use specific and sincere praise that reflects the employee’s efforts and achievements.
+ Be mindful of the context in which you give compliments, taking into account employees’ personalities and preferences.
+ Avoid overdoing it, as this can lead to a decrease in motivation and morale.
* What are some examples of effective compliments?
+ “Your hard work on this project has really paid off. The results are outstanding.”
+ “I appreciate your attention to detail and commitment to excellence in your work.”
+ “Your team has done an excellent job on this project. Your leadership and collaboration were instrumental in its success.”