DAP Needs Loyal Fighters, Not Brutus-Like Traitors
As a DAP member since 1986, I have witnessed the struggles and sacrifices made by our leaders to ensure justice and fairness for the majority of Malaysians. I have seen firsthand the dedication and perseverance of our veteran leaders, including Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, and P Patto, who went to jail multiple times for their unwavering commitment to the party’s principles.
The Price of Power
Many young leaders today enjoy the luxuries and benefits that come with power, but have they ever stopped to think about what it took to get them there? The decades of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears are lost on this current generation, which instead glorifies treachery to maintain power, fame, and position. True fighters love their enemies, but traitors are a very painful lot.
Nurturing a Child, Only to Have Him Betray
Imagine nurturing a child, guiding them, and then having that political son of yours betray you, the party, and the community it represents. If he can do that at the flip of a coin, it won’t take him long to sell the party to the highest bidder. When the party loses the faith of its loyal base, it will be burned to the ground.
The Consequences of Compromise
Just look at MCA, which has only two parliamentary seats today as a result of compromising with Umno. Their community was fed up with the weak leadership and the constant pandering to racial and religious fanatics. DAP will not be any different if these treacherous young turks take over – we will be held to ransom by the very same fanaticism that is currently being spewed by irresponsible individuals.
The Need for Loyal Fighters
DAP needs Guan Eng. Malaysia needs Guan Eng. We need a fighter who goes to extremes to fight for justice and fairness. We don’t need traitors who want to sell our party’s struggle and the future of our community for power and money. Out with Brutus!
As the chairman of DAP’s Lunas branch in Kedah, I urge all members to stand strong against treachery and to support leaders who are committed to the party’s principles. We must not let our party’s struggle and the future of our community be compromised by those who prioritize power and personal gain.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the main issue with the current leadership of DAP?
A: The main issue is that they prioritize power and personal gain over the party’s principles and the future of our community.
Q: What is the difference between a loyal fighter and a traitor?
A: A loyal fighter is someone who goes to great lengths to fight for justice and fairness, while a traitor is someone who betrays their party, community, and principles for personal gain.
Q: What is the consequence of compromising with Umno?
A: Compromising with Umno has led to the decline of MCA, with only two parliamentary seats remaining. DAP will suffer a similar fate if we compromise with Umno.