Penang's Priorities: RM11 Billion Worth of Projects Listed for 13th Malaysia Plan
The Penang government has identified 10 priority projects for the first rolling plan of the 13th Malaysia Plan (13MP), with an estimated total cost exceeding RM11 billion. The...
Floods in Bintulu Described as Worst Ever Recorded
Flood Situation Worsens, Over 1,900 People Evacuated
The current floods in Bintulu have been described as the worst ever recorded, with more than 1,900 people evacuated to temporary relief centres (PPS) as of...
Prioritizing Healthcare Connectivity
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has identified hospitals as one of the seven areas to receive priority attention in addressing connectivity issues. This move is timely, given the importance of reliable and efficient connectivity in...
Establishment of Penang International Financial Centre (PIFC) Invites Expressions of Interest
The Penang State Government, through the Penang Institute, is...